The First Reason
Seventy percent of all immune-producing cells are created in the lining of the small intestine. Consequently, this is where a large portion of your immune system lives. If these cells have been compromised by an increasing colony of bad bacteria in this lining, then your immune function has been significantly decreased. It is, therefore, quite important to re-establish a probiotic (literally, “for life”) bacterial terrain in the small intestine.
This is primarily done through diet and the supplementation of probiotic bacteria. This is vital if you have been on a course of antibiotics, as these will destroy the good as well as the bad bacteria. Long-term antibiotic usage can create an inner terrain that is a hospitable environment for opportunistic organisms like bad bacteria and parasites to thrive. It also will be an invitation for yeast and fungal overgrowths, as well as for a condition called “leaky gut syndrome”.
Leaky Gut
With technology and industry advances, the toxic burden on our planet increases significantly each year. As a consequence, the toxic load on our bodies increase. The lesson is that one can overcome a great deal of the toxicity of these poisonous environmental compounds simply by a proper usage of bentonite clay, a healthy diet, and a few appropriate nutritional supplements.
Diets That Can Help
There are many many suggestions for the proper diet or way of eating, but generally speaking, a reliance on whole foods will stand you in good stead.
If you can eliminate or significantly decrease all processed, refined, sugary, and packaged foods, as well as all sodas (diet or otherwise), this will be a very good start.
Reliance on proper whole foods such as organic vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and herbs, as well as organic animal protein and organic whole grains will help to create a healthy terrain in the gut.
Supplements That Can Help
The following supplements will address different areas in the gut and help to support strong immune function, a decrease in bad bacteria, and good elimination: |