There are a number of chelation and detoxification agents that will unbind the metals, chemicals, plastics and other contaminants that are tightly bound to tissue and organs. This, however, is only the first step for a successful detoxification.
These toxins are taken out of storage, so to speak, and then placed into the bloodstream to be hopefully eliminated through the pores of the skin, the liver, kidneys and intestine. However, just because these poisons have been mobilized, does not necessarily mean that they will be safely eliminated. It would take rapid detoxification methods to fully eliminate such toxins from the system.
If more toxins are unbound than the organs of elimination can handle, or if the liver and kidneys are operating at compromised levels, then these toxins can be redistributed by the body into different tissue.
It is of utmost importance, then, that the liver function and the kidney function be supported at the same time during which detoxification is happening. Supporting the function of these two vital organs can mean the difference between a failed or a successful detoxification. |