ALS Supportive Natural Therapies | |
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, otherwise known as ALS and commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig's Disease or Motor Neurone Disease (MND), is a serious neuromuscular illness affecting approximately 30,000 people in the United States. There are about 5,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Since 50 percent of all ALS patients die within 18 months after diagnosis and only 10 percent live longer than 10 years, ALS is considered to be an incurable fatal illness. However, there have been reports of several people outliving their diagnosis, halting the progression of the disease, and even reversing some of their symptoms. This web page provides information on the suspected causes of ALS, the symptoms of ALS, genetic testing, diagnosing ALS, ALS organizations, and most importantly, the book Eric is Winning by Eric Edney, which details Eric's journey with ALS, and which describes the therapies that have helped him stop the progression of ALS and reverse several of his symptoms. The two books we feature below are useful for those of you who are beginning to experience any neurological symptoms, even if you don't yet have a formal diagnosis. For no matter what the diagnosis or cause, the sooner you start learning about and implementing therapies that promote neuroprotection and encourage nerve repair, the better. |
Highly Recommended: A hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) is a simple, non-invasive screening test that can be used to find out if you have a heavy metal problem. This is especially useful if your program of supplements and lifestyle changes is not showing consistent positive results or is working a little more slowly than you would like.
An HTMA test will help you find hidden toxicities, help you identify the source of exposure to heavy metals, and will suggest ways to balance the essential minerals and eliminate the toxic metals. |
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An HTMA can give you the extra information needed to take additional control of your health. We recommend a hair tissue mineral analysis test once or twice a year as a way to receive information that you can use to fine-tune your supportive health program. |
For more information and to order the hair tissue mineral analysis, scoll down the page or click here. |
Eric is Winning: Beating a Terminal Illness with Nutrition, Avoiding Toxins, and Common Sense |
by Eric Edney |
If you or a loved one has ALS/MND, we highly recommend the book “Eric is Winning” by Eric Edney. Written by an ALS survivor, it offers a highly detailed account of how he "beat the system" through nutrition, special supplements and detoxification.
Eric was first diagnosed with ALS in 1993, although his first symptoms occurred in 1990. The progress of his disease was slow at first and then speeded up later. Fortunately, Eric has lived long enough to gather a great deal of information about ALS and develop a program to beat it. He soon realized that he had more information about ALS than was available from any other single source. |
A Customer's Review of Eric's Book |
"I purchased the book "Eric is Winning" when I learned my father was diagnosed with ALS recently. I believe the information and life experience Eric details provides hope and direction for the otherwise bleak diagnoses decreed by the medical community. I shared the book with my parents, my brother, my sister and, as a result, will be ordering 2 more copies. It seems this is a bit of a watershed moment in our lives and beyond, as more people learn about my father's condition and are wondering about the influence of toxins on the human condition. My best answer is to direct those interested to your website." Thank you for providing valuable resources. - K. Burton, St. Paul, Minnesota |
"The Better Brain Book", by David Perlmutter M.D.
The Better Brain Book, written by Board Certified Neurologist David Perlmutter, M.D., is written in layman's terms, with less emphasis on scientific research. The Better Brain Book The nutritional and oxidative therapies that he recommends are part of a growing wave of scientifically based, complementary treatments. This book is excellent for helping you understand risk factors associated with specific brain disorders, for tailoring a diet and supplementary program just for you. |
"Any patient would benefit from his advice, and all physicians should learn of these treatments if they want to do the best for their patients. Dr. Perlmutter’s advice could improve the lives of millions of patients and their families, and save health care dollars at the same time”. |
"I read two of your books: "Eric is Winning" and "The Better Brain Book". I found both very positive for us ALS sufferors. I'm delighted with your company's information, which is in contrast to the pathetic knowledge of UK's NHS." - Dennis Q., West Yorkshire, England |
How are Neurological Disorders Connected to Toxins and Free Radicals? |
Epidemiological studies have confirmed that environmental toxins are one of the major contributing factors in the development of neurodegenerative disorders, including ALS. For example, studies have shown that ALS patients have higher concentrations of mercury, lead and aluminum in their body tissues. Chemical toxins, such as excessive exposure to pesticides and other toxic agents have also been implicated. For example, the incidence of ALS among the personnel of Operation Desert Storm is twice that of the general population - suggesting that chemical toxins such as those found in chemical warfare may be a significant factor. As well, people with a history of exposure to agricultural chemicals, including fertilizers and pesticides used in gardening and lawn care, may be twice at risk for developing ALS. Exposure to excessive amounts of metal or chemical toxins, whether through occupational hazards such as mining, manufacturing, welding, the military, etc., or through recreational pursuits such as excessive exposure to chemically treated lawns (golfing, soccer, etc.), painting, ceramics, and so on may put certain people at increased risk for developing a neuro-degenerative disorder, such as MS or ALS. So why is it that only a small number of people exposed to these toxins go on to develop ALS? The answer, according to David Perlmutter, a board certified neurosurgeon, is this: |
What he is saying is that some people, possibly due to a genetic abnormality, are unable to detoxify metals and chemicals adequately, resulting in a build-up of these substances in the body. This results in excessive free radical activity, which damages the delicate motor neurons. Indeed, according to Dr. Perlmutter: | |
NOTE: Dr. Perlmutter recommends a rational protocol for brain and neurological disorders which involves reducing free radical damage, and enhancing mitochondrial energy within the cells. His protocol is based on the understanding of the fundamental biochemistry underlying these disorders. |
As you can see from the above, it is imperative that you identify your sources of toxins and eliminate them as much as possible. This means eliminating preservatives, food additives, artificial sweeteners, MSG and artificial flavorings. It also means reducing exposure to airborne chemicals, such as perfumes and tobacco smoke, household chemicals, and pesticides and insecticides. Click here for more info on the sources of toxins and how to eliminate them.It may also mean having your dental amalgams removed, since they contain mercury. Read the section on this web site on ALS and Dental Amalgams and consult a biological dentist to see if removing your amalgams is right for you. |
Follow the 5 steps below to protect your nervous system and improve nerve functioning: |
Scroll below for details or click on the individual links above. |
Step 1: Test Yourself for Toxic Metals | |
There are various ways to test yourself for heavy metals, the most accurate being a chelation challenge test. This test needs to be performed by a doctor specializing in chelation therapy. The benefit of this test is that it is the most accurate way to pinpoint your toxic load. The drawback is that it is invasive (you are given either DMPS or DMSA, and your urine is collected and analyzed over a 24 hour period), it is expensive, and there is a possibility of side effects. Another option for testing toxic metals which is very safe and inexpensive is through a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. |
Hair Tissue Mineral Analyses (HTMA) |
A tissue mineral analysis or hair analysis provides a unique reading of heavy metal and mineral levels in the cells over a two to three month period. It takes into consideration that toxins are stored in the tissues of the body, not in the blood. For instance, you can have normal copper levels in the blood, but high copper levels in the tissues. The reason hair is used for testing mineral status and metabolic activity is because of its very nature. |
Our hair is formed from clusters of specialized cells that make up the hair follicle. During the growth phase, the hair is exposed to the internal environment such as blood, lymph and extra-cellular fluids. As the hair continues to grow and reaches the surface of the skin, its outer layers harden, locking in the metabolic products accumulated during the period of formation. This biological processs provides a blueprint and lasting record of metal content and nutritional metabolic activity that has occured during this time. The precise analytical method of determining the levels of minerals in the hair is a highly sophisticated technique: when performed to exacting standards and interpreted correctly, it may be used as a screening aid for determining mineral deficiencies, excesses, and/or imbalances. HTMA provides you and your healthcare professional with an economical and sensitive indicator of the long-term effects of diet, stress, toxic metal exposure and their effects on your mineral balance that is difficult to obtain through other clinical tests. It is important for the attending healthcare professional to determine your mineral status as minerals are absolutely critical for life and abundant health. They are involved in and are necessary for cellular metabolism, structural support, nerve conduction, muscular activity, immune functions, anti-oxidant and endocrine activity, enzyme functions, water and acid/alkaline balance and even DNA function. Many factors can affect mineral nutrition, such as: food preparation, dietary habits, genetic and metabolic disorders, disease, medications, stress, environmental factors, as well as exposure to heavy metals. Rarely does a single nutrient deficiency exist in a person today. Multiple nutritional imbalances however are quite common, contributing to an increased incidence of adverse health conditions. In fact, it is estimated that mild and sub-clinical nutritional imbalances are up to ten times more common than nutritional deficiency alone. |
Introducing the Comprehensive
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis by Trace Elements Inc. |
A hair analysis usually needs to be obtained through a health care professional (which can be expensive - $200 and up). However, we offer a service that allows you to get a comprehensive hair tissue mineral analysis from a federally licensed laboratory called Trace Elements, Inc. The cost is only $125. Each hair analysis contains a detailed 10-15 page report from the laboratory itself, which shows bar graph readings indicating high, low and reference range levels for toxic metals, essential minerals and significant mineral ratios. |
It also includes a metabolic profile, recommendations for diet and supplements based on individual results. |
Unlike some labs that test hair tissue analysis, Trace Elements, Inc. does not wash the hair at the lab. Washing the hair removes some of the loosely bound minerals and can reduce some mineral readings by 50 percent or more. The hair sample is prepared in their licensed clinical laboratory by using a series of chemical and high temperature digestive procedures. Testing is then performed using highly sophisticated detection equipment and methods to achieve the most accurate and precise results. The Comprehensive Hair Tissue Analysis report details graph results for 8 toxic heavy metals/elements, 15 nutritional minerals/elements, 15 additional elements, 7 significant mineral ratios, and 9 toxic metal ratios. Once you purchase the hair analysis from us, we send you a hair sample kit with instructions on how to take the hair sample. |
To view a sample of the bar graph measurements for each mineral element and significant ratios, click here or the bar graph images above. Nutritional Elements: Extensively studied, the nutrient elements have been well defined and are considered essential for many biological functions in the human body. They play key roles in such metabolic processes such as muscular activity, endocrine function, reproduction, skeletal integrity, and overall development. Toxic Elements: The toxic elements or "heavy metals" are well-known for their interference upon normal biochemical function. They are commonly found in the environment and therefore are present to some degree, in all biological systems. However, these metals clearly pose a concern for toxicity when accumulation occurs to excess. Additional Elements: These elements are considered as possibly essential by the human body. Additional studies are being conducted to better define their requirements. Significant Ratios: If the synergistic relationship (or ratio) between certain minerals in the body is disturbed, studies show that normal biological functions and metabolic activity can be adversely affected. Even at extremely low concentrations, the synergistic and/or antagonistic relationships between minerals still exist, which can indirectly affect metabolism. Toxic Ratios: It is important to note that individuals with elevated toxic levels may not always exhibit clinical symptoms associated with those particular toxic minerals. However, research has shown that toxic minerals/metals can also produce an antagonistic effeect on various essential minerals, eventually leading to distrubances in their metabolic utilization. To view a sample of the detailed explanation of results patient report, please click here. For a complete overview of the various sections covered in the Comprehensive Hair Analysis Report, please click here. To view complete details of the elements measured and to order the Comprehensive Hair Mineral Analysis, please click here. For a list of FAQ’s about hair analysis, please click here. Once you purchase the hair analysis from us, we send you a hair sample kit with instructions on how to take the hair sample. You then send the hair sample to the Trace Elements lab, and the lab sends us the detailed report/results, which we then mail to you (there is an option for emailing the results as well to save time). |
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To purchase a comprehensive Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (by Trace Elements, Inc.), please click here or call 520-877-2637. |
For more information on this and other useful tests for patients with neurological disorders, click here. |
Want to ask a question about the comprehensive hair analysis? Email your questions by clicking here or call 520-877-2637. |
Step 2: Take All Reasonable Measures to Reduce the Toxic Load on Your Body |
According to Dr. Thomas Nissen, an expert in Environmental Medicine, removing pollutants from the body is the first priority. Detoxification therapy is vital given there is considerable and growing evidence that environmental toxins play a major role in numerous neurological disorders including ALS, Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and Multiple Sclerosis. We are presently being exposed to hundreds of thousands of toxic compounds in the form of inorganic chemicals and toxic metals. These substances are everywhere, from the air we breathe, the foods we eat, the water we drink, the water we bathe in, the pharmaceuticals we take, the vaccinations we give our children, the smoke we inhale, the cleaning products we use, the pesticides and insecticides we come in contact with – the list goes on. Our bodies have become virtual dumping grounds for hundreds of these toxic metals and chemicals. Studies indicate that we have between 400 and 800 toxic metal and chemical residues stored in our fat cells, and our tissues and organs. The Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that we cannot metabolize most of these chemicals and metals. So what happens to them once we have been exposed? They accumulate in our fat cells, in our organs such as the liver, kidneys and brain, in our glands such as the thyroid and adrenals, and in the central nervous system. Together, these chemicals and metals result in a chronic toxic overload condition in our bodies. As these toxins build up, they block the receptor sites for essential minerals, so that minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium cannot be utilized and absorbed. This causes enzyme dysfunction, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, neurological disorders, damages brain chemistry, and can even lead to auto-immune disorders, cancer, and other debilitating chronic conditions. A Genetic Predisposition to Toxic Overload? So why do some people who have been exposed to these toxins go on to develop neurological disorders while others don't? For some, it may be a question of degree - the more toxins you are exposed to in the course of your life, the more they build up in the organs and fatty tissues of the body, until eventually the body experiences a toxic overload. Others have suggested that some people may have an inborn (genetic) error in "metal metabolism", meaning they cannot detoxify harmful metals like others do, and so these toxins keep accumulating in the body. Ninety-five percent of autistic children, for instance, lack the protein metallothionein, which detoxifies heavy metals, and without this protein, the toxins build up in their tissues. It is conceivable that other people may have this metal-metabolism disorder as well, resulting in neurological challenges and other disorders. The Most Common Sources of Metal and Chemical Toxicity The heavy metals that most commonly cause poisoning are iron, lead, cadmium (found in cigarettes), arsenic and mercury. Others include aluminum, antimony, chromium, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel, selenium, tin, thallium and uranium. Other sources of poisoning include pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, chemical warfare, radiation and common chemicals such as benzene, carbon dioxide, chloroform, dichlorobenzene, DDT, formaldehyde, hexane, toluene, trichloroethylene (TCE) and xylene. Take Control of Your Environment In this report I focus on a common, but not well understood, phenomenon of the toxic effects of environmental chemicals and pollutants, and how they can affect your body's health. So if you are experiencing neurological symptoms, check out the common toxins that you may be exposed to, both at home and at work, and take steps to reduce your exposure. And last but not least, detoxify your body of these heavy metals, chemicals and other toxins that may be lurking in your body tissues. By following these steps, you will go a long way in saving your health. Stay Away From Toxins If you are experiencing symptoms of ALS or any other neurological disorder, from this point on: 1. Don't smoke. |
Treatments for Toxic Overload
The primary detoxification therapy treatment for most heavy metals is chelation therapy. Chelating agents are substances that go through the body to attract and bind heavy metals. The metals are then excreted. Chelating agents are usually given in pill form but may also be given intravenously, by suppository, or by injection. It usually takes from many months to many years for chelation therapy to remove toxic metals, and can cost several hundred to several thousand dollars. Though chelation therapy has been considered to be generally safe for most people, new information has surfaced that suggests these substances may not be as benign as once believed. The chelating agents used by the medical profession are drugs, and they do have side effects, sometimes severe ones. Two of the most important factors in determining chelation safety are dosage and frequency. Too much can be extremely dangerous, and too little is ineffective. Respected toxicologists have stated that synthetic chelators should be used only in cases of acute metal poisoning, or as a last resort when other methods have been exhausted. Natural methods should be tried first. Natural chelating agents include combinations of herbs, amino acids and other nutritional supplements. The drawback to most of these is the time it takes to really clear the body of toxic metals and chemicals. For instance, certain toxic elements can be removed by taking specific combinations of minerals and vitamins. A daily regimen of six magnesium oxide tablets plus one teaspoon of calcium/magnesium powder taken with fresh lemon juice is said to rid the body of arsenic - eventually. But at this rate, it could take years to clear all the chemicals and metals from the body. Chemicals and heavy metals are not removed by fasting! |
A Closer Look at the Chelators
The most common chelators prescribed by the medical profession are EDTA, DMPS, and DMSA. These chelators are life-saving drugs in cases of ACUTE metal poisoning. Of these, the DMSA and DMPS especially carry risks of harm, and should only be used as a last resort. EDTA is usually given intravenously, though it has recently become available in pill form. Typically, twenty to thirty or even more IV treatments are needed to eliminate toxins from the body, and the sessions last anywhere from 90 minutes to 3 hours. Side effects may include dizziness, headache, mild nausea, or irritation at the IV site. Oral EDTA given in pill form is easier and more convenient than the IV version, but large amounts must be taken for it to have a beneficial effect. Unfortunately, taking these large amounts can cause side effects in sensitive individuals, so it needs to be used with caution, and should only be used for a prescribed period of time. Mainly these oral chelation products with EDTA are designed to remove cholesterol and calcium deposits in the arteries, and remove toxic metals only as a secondary function. DMPS can also be taken orally, intravenously, or as a suppository, though it is most commonly given as an infusion or injection. It is an experimental drug, and has NOT been approved by the FDA. Its primary usefulness is for severe metal poisoning when all other detoxification methods have been exhausted. There have been reports of serious and devastating side effects with DMPS, since it works quite rapidly at excreting the toxic metals into the bloodstream and from the bloodstream into the kidneys. Some scientists believe that the severe side effects experienced by some people are the result of too much mercury or other metals being dumped into the bloodstream at once, which overwhelms the organs of excretion, namely the liver and kidneys. Instead of being properly excreted, these toxic metals are redistributed and reabsorbed by the vital organs, where they poison the immune system and central nervous system. Side effects in people who have generally tolerated DMPS include dizziness and weakness, the lowering of blood pressure, and flu-like symptoms. It is NOT RECOMMENDED for people who still have their amalgam fillings, as DMPS can quickly enter the saliva and begin to dissolve the metals in the mouth, resulting in acute poisoning. Contra-indications to DMPS: If you do consider DMPS, make sure you don't have any of the risk factors above. Make sure your gastro-intestinal system, liver, and kidneys are functioning properly. If you can't eliminate the toxins, you will reabsorb them. Before you undertake any DMPS treatments, I highly recommend you visit the web site DMSA comes in capsule or suppository form and is considered to be much safer than DMPS. In research studies, DMSA was proven to be three times less toxic than DMPS. It's trade name is Chemet. DMSA is commonly prescribed orally. Oral administration is generally safer, because a patient can monitor the dose and test for side effects. The side effects of DMSA include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, appetite loss and rashes. As with other chelating drugs, kidney and liver function needs to be closely monitored. |
Another Caveat
The above well-known chelators need to be taken in fairly high doses to be truly effective. Because of this, side effects are virtually unavoidable. Accordingly, these potent pharmaceuticals cannot be taken for an extended period of time (Goodman & Gilman). As well, because of the high doses needed with these chelators, essential minerals are almost always chelated out of the body as well. Minerals most commonly lost include zinc, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum and selenium, which then need to be replaced. Toxic metals are often stored in the brain, and none of the above mentioned chelators cross the blood/brain barrier. And last but not least, a concern has been that the metals loosened by the chelating agents are not always properly excreted. Instead, they may be reabsorbed in different parts of the body, causing more damage to the immune system and vital organs. This is why some individuals can remain just as sick after chelation as before, sometimes for years after their detoxification therapy. |
Natural Alternatives To Traditional Chelation Therapy |
The following detoxification products can be a safe alternative to traditional chelators used in chelation therapy for removing heavy metals and chemical pollutants. |
IMPORTANT TIP: For those of you who wish to do everything possible to detoxify, to "cover all the bases" so to speak, we do recommend using Far Infrared Sauna Therapy. |
Introducing The Thermal Life® FAR
Infrared (FIR) Sauna |
Take Advantage of the Special $500 Discount Offer Mentioned Below! |
The Infrared Sauna has an excellent reputation for detoxifying both metal and chemical contaminants from the body. It is an excellent therapy on its own or as an adjunct to other natural methods of detoxification. Proper FAR infrared sauna therapy can be supportive for:
FAR infrared saunas help to accomplish detoxification in the following manner: A layer of fat and oil exists just below the surface of the skin. The FAR infrared light resonates with the water molecules within these lipid or fat cells. This vigorous activation of the water molecule stimulates the fat cells to excrete toxins. These toxins will be released through the skin's sweat channels as a result of the high temperature from the sauna. As sweat and oil are secreted, the toxins dissolved in them are secreted as well. By excreting these toxins and then washing them off your body, the toxic load on the body is lowered and cellular health improves. Oil glands help remove oil-soluble toxins that the body would otherwise have a difficult time eliminating. We have created a world filled with oil-soluble toxins such as gasoline, solvents, pesticides, ingredients in toothpaste, personal care products, etc., which the body is not able to dispose of efficiently. The longer the skin is heated, the more oil-soluble toxins are eliminated. No other sauna company that we know of knows as much about detoxification as High Tech Health, Inc. Their specialty is providing saunas that detoxify safely and effectively. Their Thermal Life® Sauna is designed to allow anyone to detoxify at a rate that is appropriate for them. Bio-Resonance™ Heaters The Thermal Life® Sauna utilizes specially designed Bio-Resonance™ ceramic heaters that provide the optimal level of far infrared exposure no matter where you are in your detoxification process. A special feature of the Bio-Resonance heater is the nature of the far infrared rays that is emits. FAR infrared is a band of electromagnetic energy, just as visible light and ultraviolet light are. The difference between visible light and far infrared is that we cannot see far infrared. FAR infrared affects the body differently than ultraviolet or near infrared light. Heat lamps emit near infrared which is only absorbed by the surface of the skin. FAR, on the other hand, is absorbed into the body up to a depth of 1 and half inches. It is experienced as a softer heat sensation which is quite enjoyable. FAR infrared rays also stimulate the production of endorphins, the "happy hormones", and have been prescribed for pain for a long time. Bio-Resonance heating technology ensures an enjoyable, detoxifying experience. Comparing Ceramic to Carbon Heaters in FIRS Hight Tech Health (HTH) researched "carbon heater" technology and found it to be significantly inferior to their trademarked BioResonance® emitters because carbon heaters are inefficient and poor emitters of far infrared waves. If the emitters don't produce good far infrared, then the detoxification effect is diminished. HTH emitters are alloy tubes filled with solid ceramic . The ceramic material is warmed to the temperature range where it emits the highest quality and quantity of FIR waves. (between 6-20 microns). The surgical grade stainless steel reflectors behind the emitters reflect back into the cabin any FIR emitted from the rear of the emitters. This way, the cabin is completely filled with 100% FIR waves and none are lost into the walls of the sauna. Carbon emitters because of their poor design and emission, lose close to 50% of what little far infrared they do emit through the back walls, because there is nothing to reflect the waves back into the center of the sauna cabin. Carbon emitters are large thin plastic or fiberglass panels with a thin layer of carbon material sandwiched in between, or lined with fabric with carbon fibers woven into the fabric, then laminated onto the panels with a wire grid behind them to heat them up. They are made large to compensate for the extreme inefficiency of far infrared light production. They take 40-45 minutes to warm up to the point where you can even get into the sauna vs. our saunas which are warm and ready to use in 10-15 minutes. High Tech Health will not put plastic or fiberglass into their saunas because of concerns regarding possible out-gassing of chemical compounds from these panels. These types of saunas are primarily marketed for recreational use. Another downside to carbon heaters is because of their large panel size, they produce fairly strong electromagnetic fields. HTH heaters emit extremely low levels of EMF's, about 2-4 milligauss, which is equivalent to sitting next to a reading lamp. Carbon heaters are inexpensive to construct. They don't tend to have a long life, and can burn out in 5-6 years. HTH has never had to replace a single heater in the 14 years of selling the Thermal Life saunas. It is by far, the most durable, energy efficient and long lasting technology in the industry. The most important four points in buying a far infrared sauna in regards to the heater technology used are:
Besides linking to their site in the below-mentioned link, you can call them directly (recommended) at 800-794-5355 or 303-413-8500 and speak to one of their knowledgeable product specialists. |
For more information and to purchase the Thermal Life® Far Infrared Sauna from High Tech Health, Inc., please click here. |
Glutathione - An Important Detoxifier |
Glutathione is a short string of amino acids called a peptide. It is composed of three amino acids: glycine, glutamine and cysteine. If we have low glutathione levels we slowly become toxic, storing away poisons in our tissues, organs, muscles and brain. We simply cannot detoxify effectively if our glutathione levels are too low, no matter what form of detoxification we undertake. Glutathione is a supplement that is extremely difficult to absorb. Most oral supplements are worthless, because the digestive tract destroys the nutrient before it can be absorbed. According to Dr. Marcus Laux, it is important to find an oral glutathione supplement that your body can truly absorb. It survives the trip through your intestines because the glutathione is contained in microscopic little pouches called liposomes. Thus, the glutathione enters your bloodstream intact. According to Dr. Laux, liposomes were recently tested in rigorous scientific studies, and were found to have an amazing 90% absorption rate. That’s comparable to intravenous glutathione therapy, for a fraction of the cost. A cell culture study was conducted on glutathione at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School by Gail Zeevalk, PhD. The study showed the neuro-protective nature of the glutathione from damage due to the known neuro-toxicants maneb (fungicide) and paraquat (herbicide). |
Purified Bentonite Bathing Clay for Detoxifying Metals and Chemicals |
Sodium bentonite clay can be a very simple and effective way to remove heavy metals and chemical contaminants from the surface tissue of the body.
When you mix bentonite clay with water, it creates a large negatively charged surface area. When the body is in a tub of warm water, the warm water opens up the pores of the skin, and the positively charged toxic particles are drawn through the pores of the skin, to be absorbed by the clay. Most chemical and metal toxins have a postive charge, whereas the clay has a negative charge. Thus, the toxins cannot resist being drawn towards the clay. Bentonite clay has a great capacity for absorbing many times its own weight in toxins. In other words, clay baths have been shown to literally pull pollutants out through the skin, getting rid of many months and years of toxic accumulations. It is important that you find a sodium bentonite clay that has been purified, so it contains no mold, yeast, bacteria or fungus. Also, it helps to use a clay that mixes well and disperses easily with warm water to get maximum effectiveness. Some clays do not mix well in the tub, leaving you with a cumbersome and messy clean-up. |
R-Lipoic Acid for Removing Metal Ions from the Brain |
Being both water and fat soluble, R-lipoic acid passes the blood-brain barrier and has been shown to chelate metals like mercury that can attach to fatty cellls and brain neurons. It has also been shown to help decrease metals from the liver as well. R-lipoic acid also extends the life of other antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and CoQ10 in the body. This is important because a heavy metal load creates more free radical activity. The longer an antioxidant can scavenge these free radicals, the less the "detox cleansing" reaction may last. There are two forms of alpha-lipoic acid, an S-form and an R-form. Researchers believe that R-Form may be "up to 12 times more effective" than regular alpha lipoic acid which contains a synthetic by-product. |
Step 3: Boost Cellular Energy using Acetyl-L-Carnitine |
Each and every cell has its own energy-producing factories. These factories are called mitochondria. Carnitine helps mitochondria in several different ways. Most importantly, it transports fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are burned to produce energy. This provides energy to all your cells and, at the same time, helps you to lose excess fat or maintain an ideal body weight. Acetyl-l-carnitine is a special form of carnitine that has the ability to pass through the blood-brain barrier (a shield that protects the brain from many substances found in the bloodstream). Once inside the brain, it nourishes the brain cells’ mitochondria. It is oxidized and converted into ATP (chemical energy for the cell). |
Step 4: Improve Muscle Strength with Creatine | |
Creatine is a naturally occurring substance in the body and in foods. It is made up of three amino acids – arginine, glycine and methionine. Creatine is used to provide a "reservoir" of energy in the cells by helping the body's muscle cells convert ADP (adenosine diphosphate) back to ATP (adenosine triphosphate). create energy and maintain muscle mass. A number of research studies have demonstrated the benefits of taking 5 to 10 grams of creatine daily for patients with neuromuscular diseases. According to Dr. Perlmutter, researchers at Harvard Medical School published a study in 1999 that showed that supplemental creatine protected mice with a genetic form of ALS from the loss of motor neurons, and improved movement. The authors concluded that “creatine administration may be a new therapeutic strategy for neuromusclular disorders”. A study in the journal Nature found that creatine was more effective than Riluzole in extending the survival of mice with the genetic form of ALS. The scientists noted that Riluzole alone extended the survival rate by 13 days in mice, whereas with creatine administration, survival doubled to 26 days. The study proposed that creatine stabilized the enzymes in the mitochondria, thus slowing the cell death process. These studies support the benefits of including creatine in a protocol for neurodegenerative conditions. Creatine is well tolerated, though patients with kidney or liver disease should check with their doctors before using. |
Step 5: Protect the Neurons from Free Radical Damage with Glutathione and Other Antioxidants |
Antioxidants protect the delicate motor neurons from the ravages of free radical damage. According to Dr. David Perlmutter: |
“Pertubations of free radical homeostasis are proposed to cause ALS. A corollary hypothesis is that antioxidants should slow the disease course.” |
Two of the most important and powerful antioxidants that Dr. Perlmutter recommends are glutathione and coenzyme Q10. |
Glutathione |
Again according to Dr. Perlmutter: |
“Intriguing research published in 1999 by Japanese scientists has revealed a striking deficiency of this brain-protecting chemical (glutathione) in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients diagnosed with ALS…Not only may glutathione deficiency play a role in the genesis of ALS, but its repletion offers the potential for a powerful therapeutic intervention”. |
Glutathione is a supplement that is extremely difficult to absorb. Most oral supplements are worthless, because the digestive tract destroys the nutrient before it can be absorbed. According to Dr. Marcus Laux, it is important to find an oral glutathione supplement that your body can truly absorb. It survives the trip through your intestines because the glutathione is contained in microscopic little pouches called liposomes. Thus, the glutathione enters your bloodstream intact. According to Dr. Laux, liposomes were recently tested in rigorous scientific studies, and were found to have an amazing 90% absorption rate. That’s comparable to intravenous glutathione therapy, for a fraction of the cost. A cell culture study was conducted on glutathione at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School by Gail Zeevalk, PhD. The study showed the neuro-protective nature of the glutathione from damage due to the known neuro-toxicants maneb (fungicide) and paraquat (herbicide). |
Click here for more info on Antioxidant Therapy and Glutathione. |
Two Other Important Antioxidants |
Coenzyme Q10 |
Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells against free radical damage, and is also a natural compound that acts inside the mitochondria, the ‘powerhouse” of the cell, where it is involved in cell energy production. Dr. Perlmutter states:
Coenzyme-Q10 (or CoQ10) is available from many manufacturers in a number of different forms. Until recently the reduced form ubiquinol was difficult to manufacture due to its rapid oxidation in the air. New technology has allowed for the manufacturing of stable coenzyme Q10 in the reduced form. The results from an animal study that compared the absorption of the two different forms, as well as a human study showing significant absorption of ubiquinol, showed that taking ubiquinol orally will offer much improved bioavailablility. |
Alpha Lipoic Acid |
According to Dr. Perlmutter: "Alpha lipoic acid is clearly the most exciting antioxidant of the decade... unlike more familiar antioxidants, alpha-lipoic acid is not characterized as being water soluble or fat soluble. It is both...its fat solubility allows this powerful antioxidant to enter the brain. This makes lipoic acid an ideal candidate for neuro-degenerative conditions." "As well, alpha lipoic acid has the unique ability to regenerate many of the other vital brain antioxidants including vitamin E, vitamin C, and glutathione." There are two forms of alpha-lipoic acid, an S-form and an R-form. Researchers believe that R-Form may be "up to 12 times more effective" than regular alpha lipoic acid which contains a synthetic by-product. It is important to find a lipoic acid that is heat and shelf stable. And, it is important to find one that doesn't cause heartburn, indigestion or stomach discomfort, which can occur with unstabilized RLA. |
More Information on Alternative Support Therapies for ALS |
Other Useful Information for People with ALS |
Useful Tests Detoxification Therapy pH Balance Therapy Antioxidant Therapy Herbal Therapy Vitamins and Minerals Viral & Bacterial Support Supportive Supplements ALS Links and Resources |
Causes of ALS Early Symptoms of ALS Genetic Testing for ALS The vast majority
of ALS cases are sporadic, meaning that although there is likely a genetic
predisposition involved, ALS is not directly inherited in a family. Diagnosing ALS ALS and Dental Amalgams Therefore, most people assume that their “silver” fillings
are safe and non-toxic. Not so. Dietary Regimen for ALS Medications for ALS Stem Cell Therapy |
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