Magnesium: A Critical Mineral Deficiency |
According to the USDA, 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient, and magnesium deficiency is a major contributor to our epidemic of chronic and degenerative diseases, including heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, and various autoimmune disorders.
Magnesium is an essential component of more than 300 enzymes. These enzymes are responsible for critical metabolic functions such as conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to energy, dilating blood vessels, muscle contraction and relaxation, protein formation, and removal of toxins from the body. Magnesium is essential for normal heartbeat and nerve transmission. In the absence of magnesium, free radical damage is accentuated. |
Magnesium is mostly found in plant foods, including greens, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Supplements are another source, but most are not effective because they use the wrong forms of magnesium. Magnesium bicarbonate, carbonate, chloride and oxide are poorly absorbed forms, but they are extensively used because they are cheap and consumers don’t know the difference. Magnesium is most absorbable when combined with specific transport molecules, such as citrate, ascorbate and glycinate, which are more costly.
Magnesium may be the most important of all nutrients for preventing atherosclerosis and heart disease. It slightly thins the blood, dramatically reduces inflammation, improves blood flow and enhances energy.
One interesting study of 400,000 cows found that those fed grass never developed hardening of the arteries. But, after they were given only magnesium-deficient feed, they developed rampant atherosclerosis. Milk-fed calves with low magnesium intake developed both early and aggressive atherosclerosis.
Many studies have shown that Americans – especially children (and especially children with symptoms along the Autism Spectrum) – are magnesium deficient. |
Why Are We So Deficient in Magnesium? |
ONE: There is substantial reduction of magnesium in our diet through food processing, poor farming techniques and loss of magnesium from our soils. |
TWO: There are increased magnesium losses due to the acid-producing diet and lifestyle of most Americans. Sugar, alcohol, refined foods, caffeine, white flour, soda, and stress help to create an acidic terrain. The more acid you produce, the more magnesium is lost, because the body uses magnesium to help buffer an acidic environment. |
THREE: We have a reduced ability to absorb magnesium due to toxicity and damaged gut tissue. Heavy metals, in particular, compete for the same biological space and receptor sites as essential minerals like magnesium. Therefore, it’s not always what you take; it’s what you absorb. Absorption is definitely compromised by damage to the gut and the cumulative toxic load on the body. |
How To Find A Good Magnesium Product
Look for a highly absorbable magnesium that has magnesium citrate in ionic form. It should be water-soluble with a balanced pH so as to provide superior absorption and maximum benefit. |
Recommended: One thing we recommend for anyone who suspects they have magnesium mineral deficiency, is to have a hair mineral analysis test done. |
A hair tissue mineral analysis can determine which essential minerals the body is needing more of and which toxic elements such as heavy metals it needs to eliminate.

The Comprehensive Hair Analysis by Trace Elements, Inc. measures the levels of 36 essential minerals, including magnesium and significant mineral ratios like Na/Mg and Ca/Mg. The report provides valuable insight into the body's metaoblism and what dietary changes would be most helpful. |
For information on the Comprehensive Hair Analysis and to order it, please click here. |
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